TORC Class Sept 19 Start
A Fun Combo Sport/St. Mary's Co
Service Description
4/55min Sessions TORC(Tricks, Obedience, Rally, Conditioning) Fee: $150.00/Dog Prerequisite: Basic Skills in Tricks & Obedience You all will love this new sport and we are so HONORED that @Canines at Training has chosen us to expand their newly developed...way cool sport, TORC! (Tricks, Obedience, Rally, Conditioning) Lets practice and trial this new sport and titling series that you will quickly get obsessed with. Hundreds of unique courses and combinations available for fun and skill building! All you dog sport enthusiasts......this ones for you!
Cancellation Policy
Registrations are limited. Therefore, if you must cancel your registration, please notify us a minimum of 7 days prior to the start date of the class/workshop/seminar/pop-up. If you are booking a class less than 7 days before the start of a class/workshop/seminar/pop-up offering, NO REFUNDS will be offered. Refunds will not be provided for class registrations cancellations with less than 7 days notice.
Contact Details
30155 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall, MD, USA